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Childhood and Adulthood Attached at the Hip?

I want to start by saying that you are the only person that truly knows how much you can take. You know when you don’t have enough in your cup to pour into others. You are the only person who can recount all of your experiences. That’s personal, just like your decision on who you choose to let into your life. Very rarely is my take that you speaking up about these things is shallow. It’s honestly better to be upfront instead of stringing along a situation you know feels out of place. I do fear the lack of redeemability though. I feel there’s a lack luster aspect in saying that one piece of your life now defines who you are for the rest of it. We learn life as we go through life, it’s what we do with the lessons. A rule of thumb for me is to never be with someone I feel makes me feel stuck in an older version of myself or leave if I feel as though I’m keeping them stuck in an older version. We all want somewhere that’s safe to grow. Don’t force it, you aren’t too much, you may just need a single period or next person to see this.

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